In this section you find several authors, that did work on Killies ocasionally or as part in other scientific publications.
Scientific publications (PDF) concerning "New World" Killies only: In progress. 1958 Dahl , Los peces del Rio Sinu.pdf 1974 Castello & Lopez, Cynolebias alexandri. 2002 Ibisch et al. - Bolivian Fislist 2006 Calviño P.A., Austrolebias toba. 2009 Laufer , Diet of four annual Killifishes 2014 Nibia et al., The Neotropical Genus Austrolebias: An Emerging Model of Annual Killifishes 2014 Ponce de Leon et al. , Phylogeography of Cuban Rivulus 2014 Ferrer , Cynopoecilus notabilis